Wednesday, 27 November 2013


a few pictures from our tutorial lesson on building our characters, this was both fun and enjoyable to do. my character that I want to build is a King Kong inspired with gorilla-like features but with a surprising twist so hopefully it will come out the way I expect. after finishing building the structure of the model we will then put paper Mache to make a strong cast and to give the model a more human like feature. also it will be easier for us to animate with it s it wont be falling over or wobbly.I'll keep posting pictures during the process.


  1. This looks good Hannah! remember to discuss techniques and developments with the research you are doing and discuss the impact these early techniques had (e.g. Muybridge and Bullet Time as covered in class).

    You are also covering the basic definitions and techniques: frame rates and persistence of vision - find examples to back up explanations..


  2. Research needs to be on the blog by the end of term for me to mark.

    I also want to see your ideas for your main animated project and a mood board for this as you will have to pitch your idea when we get back.

